Micro-Measurements has been dedicated to the development, manufacture, and marketing of products for high-precision strain and stress measurement since 1962. For purposes of experimental stress analysis—whether preproduction prototype evaluation, field-service testing, failure analysis, or pure research—we offer a full complement of the sensors, instrumentation, and installation accessories necessary to obtain accurate, reliable strain and stress data. Micro-Measurements strain gages (strain gauges) and accessories also fulfill manufacturers’ requirements for a wide variety of transducers for measuring physical variables (weight, force, torque, pressure, etc.) General-use Micro-Measurements strain gages are listed in groups according to grid geometry:
For each of these grid geometries, those patterns most commonly used by our customers are listed first with complete specifications. Additional listings with partial specifications follow for the less commonly used patterns. In both listings, the gage patterns appear in alpha-numeric order, increasing from the shortest grid lengths to the longest.