Products / Inclinometer / Levelmeter

SST900 Levelmeter

By Vigor Technology

• Vigor Technology SST900
• WiFi radio range up to 200m
• Both Wi-Fi +485/422
• Built-in lithium battery
• Measurement accuracy ±1″
• Resolution 0.05″
• Offset ≤±5″,
• Absolute linear error ≤±1.0″

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  • Product info

    SST900 levelmeter based on servo accelerometer principle, core sensitive devices resolution up to 0.1μg, frequency response 10 Hz, SNR is more than 120dB. The highest accuracy reach to ±1.0″.
    Do not like as other levelmeter only to check null position which need very long warming time and large cross-axis sensitivity, SST900 has rapid starting-time(less than 3min.), less than 0.1%FS cross-axis sensitivity as well as less than 2mrad misalignment, it can keep the same accuracy on any angle point. SST900 is flexible to local and remote inspection with LCD indicator or Wi-Fi interface. The featured iAngle mobile software can be runned on Apple® iPad/iPhone® device or other mobile terminal devices

  • Size & Wiring







    Pin Function(1 axis or 2 axis , include LCD display)
    RS232 RS485 RS422 Wi-Fi
    A Power + Power + Power + Power +
    B Power GND Power GND Power GND Power GND
    C Signal GND Signal GND Signal GND Signal GND
    D NC NC RS422-RXD+ NC
    E NC NC RS422-RXD- NC
    F RS232—TXD RS485-A RS422-TXD+ RS232— TXD
    G RS232—RXD RS485-B RS422-TXD- RS232— RXD













  • Ordering


    Table 3 Options
    Item P/N Option name Function
    Software SST003-04-10-01
    (Based on iphone)
    RS485 output Standard industrial ModBus protocol, can be connected to PLC
    (Based on iPad)
    RS422 output Standard industrial interface,can be connected to PLC
