Products / Gyro / Inertial Labs

Man-Wearable Platform (MWP)

By Inertial Labs

• Weapon Orientation Modules (WOM)
• Machine Vision Tracking Systems
• Reconfigurable Open Architecture
• Indoor/Outdoor Position Tracking
• Augmented and Virtual Reality
• Real-Timed Skeletal Kinematics
• Mobile Processing Data Management
• Hybrid Sensor Fusion Platform

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Man-Wearable Platform for Live and Virtual Training and Simulation

Inertial Labs provides industry leading orientation solutions with an uncompromising focus on products that represent the smallest size, lowest power, and lowest cost alternatives for their given class of performance. Our hybrid sensor fusion algorithms allow for the integration of virtually any position and orientation technologies.

With over 10 years of experience specifically in the Research and Development of position and orientation technologies for live and virtual training, Inertial Labs has become a key player in the military’s quest to advance training technologies to support the “Train as we fight” initiative.

In addition to individual sensor systems, Inertial Labs specializes in research and development of integrated systems with specific focus on the needs of the military. With over 10 years of government R&D experience specifically in position and orientation systems, Inertial Labs is delivering technologies for the convergence of live training and tactical operations.


Databook PDF