Products / LORD Microstrain Wireless Systems / Wireless Nodes

G-Link 200 OEM, Wireless Accelerometer Node

By LORD Microstrain

• On-board triaxial accelerometer with ±2 to ±40g range
• Continuous, periodic burst, and event-triggered sampling
• Sample up to 4096 Samples per second
• Wide input voltage from 3.3 to 36 V
• Extremely low noise on all axis 25 µg/√Hz or 80 µg/√Hz
• High accuracy temperature sensor ±0.25 °C
• Wireless range up to 2 km (800 m typical)
• Datalog up to 8 million data points
• Easy custom integration with open-source API

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  • G-Link 200 OEM

    LORD Sensing Wireless Sensor Networks enable simultaneous, high-speed sensing and data aggregation from scalable sensor networks. Our wireless sensing systems are ideal for test and measurement, remote monitoring, system performance analysis, and embedded applications.

    The G-Link-200-OEM has an on-board triaxial accelerometer that allows high-resolution data acquisition with extremely low noise and drift. Additionally, derived vibration parameters allow for long-term monitoring of key performance indicators while maximizing battery life.

    Users can easily program nodes for continuous, periodic burst, or event-triggered sampling with the SensorConnect software. The optional web-based SensorCloud interface optimizes data aggregation, analysis, presentation, and alerts for sensor data from remote networks.

  • Specifications

    Accelerometer Channels
      Measurement range g 40 g
    ±2 g, ±4 g, or ±8 g
    ±10 g, ±20 g, or ±40 g
    Noise density 25 μg/√ Hz 80 μg/√ Hz
    g offset ±25 mg (±2 g) ±50 mg (±10 g)
    g offset vs temperature ±.1 mg/ °C (typical), ±.15 mg/ °C (maximum) ±0.5 mg/ °C (typical), ±0.75 mg/ °C (maximum)
    Integrated sensors Triaxial MEMS accelerometer, 3 channels
    Accelerometer bandwidth DC to 1 kHz
    Resolution 20-bit
    Scale factor error < 1% full-scale
    Cross axis sensitivity 1%
    Sensitivity change (temperature) ±0.01%/° C
    Anti-aliasing filter 1.5 kHz (-6 dB attenuation)
    Low-pass digital filter 26 to 800 Hz – configurable
    High-pass digital filter Off to 2.5 Hz – configurable
    Integrated Temperature Channel
    Measurement range – 40 °C to 85 °C
    Accuracy ±0.25 °C (over full range)
    Sampling modes Continuous, periodic burst, event triggered
    Output options Acceleration, Derived channels: Velocity (IPSrms), Amplitude (Grms and Gpk-pk ) and Crest Factor
    Sampling rates 1 sample/hour to 4096 samples/second
    Sample rate stability ±5 ppm
    Network capacity Up to 128 nodes per RF channel (bandwidth calculator:)
    Node synchronization ±50 μsec
    Data storage capacity 16 M Bytes (up to 8,000,000 data points)
    Operating Parameters
    Wireless communication range Outdoor/line-of-sight: 2 km (ideal)*, 800 m (typical)**
    Onboard antenna: 1 km (ideal)*, 400 (typical)**
    Indoor/obstructions: 50 m (typical)**
    Antenna Surface mount or External through MMCX or U.FL connector
    Radio frequency )RF)
    transceiver carrier
    License-free 2.405 to 2.480 GHz with 16 channels
    RF transmit power User-adjustable 0 dBm to 20 dBm. Restricted regionally
    Power source 3.3 – 36 V dc to solder pads
    ESD ±4000 V (Applies to VIN, GND, Antenna, and shield)
    Operating temperature -40 °C to +85 °C
    Physical Specifications
    Dimensions 38.1 mm x 29.0 mm x 6.5 mm
    Mounting (4) 2- 56 UNC
    Weight 8.17 grams
    Conformal coating Humiseal 1B31
    Compatible gateways All WSDA® gateways
    Software SensorCloud, SensorConnect, Windows 7, 8 & 10 compatible
    Software development kit
    Regulatory compliance FCC (USA), IC (Canada), CE (European Union), JET (Japan)

    *Actual range varies with conditions

    **Measured with antennas elevated, no obstructions, no RF interferers.

  • Dimensions